In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, modern livestock farming has undergone a significant transformation. Today, livestock farmers have access to an array of cutting-edge technologies that can revolutionize their operations. One such technological advancement that has gained immense popularity in recent years is livestock management software. These software solutions are designed to streamline various aspects of livestock farming, making it more efficient and productive. In this article, we’ll explore the top 20 livestock management software options that are helping farmers thrive in the modern era.

1. Farmbrite

Farmbrite is an all-in-one farm management software that allows farmers to track livestock, manage inventory, and keep records effortlessly. It offers features such as herd management, pasture tracking, and financial record-keeping.

all in one farm management software
all-in-one farm management software

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2. Bushel Farm

Bushel Farms is a comprehensive farm management platform that provides valuable insights into crop and livestock performance. It offers tools for tracking expenses, monitoring weather, and optimizing planting and harvesting. They are both in the Google Play store and IOS 

farm management platform that provides valuable insights into crop and livestock
farm management platform that provides valuable insights into crop and livestock

3. CattleMax

CattleMax is a specialized software designed for cattle ranchers. It assists in herd management, health tracking, and pedigree tracking. It also offers tools for record-keeping and cattle sales.

software designed for cattle ranchers
software designed for cattle ranchers

4. Rancher

Rancher is a popular livestock management software that helps farmers keep track of their cattle, sheep, and other livestock. It offers features like weight tracking, breeding management, and health record-keeping.

popular livestock management software
popular livestock management software

5. AgriWebb

AgriWebb is a cloud-based livestock management platform that offers real-time insights into farm operations. It includes features like mob grazing management, cattle record-keeping, and pasture monitoring.

cloud based livestock management platform
cloud-based livestock management platform

6. HerdPlus

HerdPlus is an Irish livestock management system that focuses on dairy and beef farming. It provides tools for genetic evaluations, milk recording, and fertility management.

livestock management system that focuses on dairy and beef farming
livestock management system that focuses on dairy and beef farming

7. Perform-N-Track

Perform-N-Track is a comprehensive livestock tracking and management system. It helps farmers keep records of cattle performance, breeding, and health, enabling data-driven decision-making.

farmers keep records of cattle performance, breeding, and health
farmers keep records of cattle performance, breeding, and health

Also, Read >>>>>>>  10 Comprehensive Step by Step Guide to Modern Agronomy Practices That increases Crop Yield for Food Security

8. CattleWorks

CattleWorks is a user-friendly livestock management software that offers features such as weight tracking, medical record-keeping, and cattle inventory management.

software that offers features such as weight tracking cattle inventory management
software that offers features such as weight tracking cattle inventory management

9. AgSquared

AgSquared is a versatile farm management software that can be adapted for livestock operations. It provides tools for managing grazing, livestock records, and farm planning.

provides tools for managing grazing, livestock records, and farm planning
provides tools for managing grazing, livestock records, and farm planning

10. StockManager

StockManager is a mobile-based livestock management app that allows farmers to track cattle and sheep. It offers features like weight tracking and health record-keeping.

a mobile based livestock management app that allows farmers to track cattle and sheep
a mobile-based livestock management app that allows farmers to track cattle and sheep

11. Livestocked

Livestocked is an all-in-one livestock management solution that includes features like inventory tracking, breeding management, and financial record-keeping.

inventory tracking, breeding management, and financial record keeping
inventory tracking, breeding management, and financial record keeping

12. Ranch Manager

Ranch Manager is a desktop-based software for cattle ranchers. It offers features such as pedigree tracking, cattle performance analysis, and financial management.

a desktop-based software for cattle ranchers
a desktop-based software for cattle ranchers

13. PastureMap

PastureMap is a grazing management software that helps farmers optimize their pasture usage. It includes features for tracking livestock movements and monitoring pasture health.

grazing management software that helps farmers optimize their pasture usage
grazing management software that helps farmers optimize their pasture usage

Also, Read >>>>>>>  10 Comprehensive Step by Step Guide to Modern Agronomy Practices That increases Crop Yield for Food Security

14. Cattle Krush

Cattle Krush is a mobile app that focuses on cattle management. It offers features like weight tracking, health management, and cattle sales records.

a mobile app that focuses on cattle management
a mobile app that focuses on cattle management

15. Farm At Hand

Farm At Hand is a farm management software that can be adapted for livestock farming. It provides tools for tracking inventory, managing tasks, and recording livestock data.

farm management software that can be adapted for livestock farming
farm management software that can be adapted for livestock farming

16. CattleXpert

CattleXpert is a cattle management software designed for ease of use. It offers features like health tracking, breeding management, and financial analysis.

a cattle management software designed for ease of use
a cattle management software designed for ease of use

17. CowCalf5

CowCalf5 is a comprehensive cattle management software that helps ranchers with herd tracking, breeding records, and performance analysis.

herd tracking, breeding records
herd tracking, breeding records

18. AgCinect

AgCinect is an agricultural management software that includes livestock management features like herd tracking, health records, and financial analysis.

livestock management features like herd tracking, health records, and financial analysis.
livestock management features like herd tracking, health records, and financial analysis.

Also, Read >>>>>>>  10 Comprehensive Step by Step Guide to Modern Agronomy Practices That increases Crop Yield for Food Security

19. iLivestock Manager

iLivestock Manager is a mobile app designed for livestock farmers. It offers features for managing cattle, sheep, and goats, including weight tracking and health monitoring.

a mobile app designed for livestock farmers. It offers features for managing cattle, sheep, and goats
a mobile app designed for livestock farmers. It offers features for managing cattle, sheep, and goats

20. Livestock Giraffe

Livestock Giraffe is a livestock management software that provides tools for herd tracking, performance analysis, and cattle inventory management.

a livestock management software that provides tools for herd tracking, performance analysis, and cattle inventory management.
a livestock management software that provides tools for herd tracking, performance analysis, and cattle inventory management.


As a modern livestock farmer, choosing the right livestock management software is crucial for optimizing your operations and increasing productivity. Each of these software solutions offers unique features and benefits, so it’s essential to assess your specific needs and budget before making a decision.

In conclusion, the world of livestock farming is undergoing a digital transformation, and livestock management software is at the forefront of this revolution. With these 20 software options at your disposal, you have the tools you need to take your livestock farming to the next level. Embrace technology, streamline your processes, and watch your farm thrive in the modern era.

Also, Read >>>>>>>  10 Comprehensive Step by Step Guide to Modern Agronomy Practices That increases Crop Yield for Food Security

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